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March 06, 2017

Indian Trademark Registry Implements New Trademark Rules - New Fees and New Procedures

Effective March 6, 2017, the new rules significantly reduce the number of forms required for filing and institute discounted official fees for online filings. However, the Registry increased the fees for general applicants regarding most trademark matters, with the increase substantially lower for individuals, startups, and small enterprises. Click "MORE" below to view a copy of the new rules.

February 28, 2017

Venezuelan Government Significantly Increases Official Fees for IP Services

The Venezuelan Tax Authority announced an increase in the Tax Unit in the Venezuelan Official Gazette, effective February 24, 2017. The increase in the Tax Unit value led to an increase in the official fees for most intellectual property services by at least 70%. Press the more button below to view a PDF of the new official fees. An increase in the Tax Unit value is generally accompanied by a devaluation in the official exchange rate.

January 31, 2017

Qatar Now Accepting Trademark Applications under Classes 43, 44, and 45 of Nice Classification

The Qatari Trademark Office at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce announced that effective February 12, 2017, they will begin accepting trademark applications for services that fall under classes 43, 44, and 45 of the Nice International Classification of Goods and Services.

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